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NavVis Digital Factory solutions contribute to the VW Indust

Release time:2021-07-28 10:55viewed:times
NavVis Digital Factory solutions contribute to the VW Industrial cloud
NavVis has long been a leader in the digital transformation of production planning and management. We provide customized digital twin solutions for companies to build and operate complete manufacturing facilities to optimize their planning and operational processes.

To help solve the manufacturing problem with NavVis digital factory solutions, NavVis is working on new initiatives for Volkswagen and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
The advent of industrial-scale cloud technology means we have reached another important milestone in driving production and supply chain management in the digital age. Follow the footsteps of Nanjing Longce to see what is the important impact on you and your business!
What is the industrial cloud?
The industrial cloud consists of three components -- an open platform, an online community, and a market environment that is poised to take off. All of these are invisibly driving the digital transformation of production, logistics and supply chain management.
Open platform
The design of an industrial cloud requires an open architecture that not only synchronizes production to the cloud, but also standardizes the sharing and exchange of data. The industrial cloud paves the way for the manufacturing and logistics industries to develop entirely new digital solutions and applications.
The online community
 The success of the Industrial Cloud cannot be achieved without its community, a diverse group of parts suppliers, technology suppliers, systems integrators, independent software suppliers (ISVs), logistics suppliers and Original equipment manufacturers (Oems). They will be both providers and beneficiaries of new services and solutions arising from diverse manufacturing and logistics needs and business opportunities.
The market environment
The third element is the market environment. Once launched, the cloud will become a trusted, secure environment that paves the way for the sale and distribution of trusted manufacturing products and supply chain applications.

What is NavVis Digital Factory?
Imagine this:
Wherever you are, you can go to any workshop on any production site anywhere in the world whenever you want!

"NavVis Digital Factory solutions make this a reality."

As a flexible single solution, NavVis digital Factory will bring significant benefits to your organization, not only for global operations, but also for plant production and workshop planning.
With the NavVis Digital Factory solution, your global team will benefit from:
1. Unified operation management;
2. Easier sharing of best practices;
3. Reduce the cost of long-distance travel;
4. The local team can apply this solution in the maintenance process;
5. Can be used in spatial/visual main interface for a wide range of software applications.
The whole process can be summarized in the following three steps:
Step 1: Consultation
During the consultation phase, we will determine how digital twin technology will provide the greatest advantage to your team on a global and regional level.
Step 2: Data acquisition stage
Next comes the data acquisition phase: wherever you are, we will go to your factory to scan.
Step 3: Perform the operation
The last step is execution. At this stage, we will build the digital twin system belonging to your factory and help you realize the landing of customized solutions.
The end result would be a secure, cloud-based virtual site, the digital twin of all factories. You can access these sites using links on any standard Web browser.
NavVis has a long-term partnership with Industrial Cloud

Volkswagen and AWS industrial cloud users, as well as their partners, will benefit greatly from NavVis technology.
For more than five years, NavVis has been the exclusive supplier to several sub-brands of Volkswagen in the digital twin field, including Audi AG, Skoda AG, and Volkswagen Group Services GMBH (Germany).
Looking ahead, these diverse innovations for independent brands will continue to revolve around customizing NavVis digital factories that respond to the needs of the Volkswagen Group and make our solutions easy to use across all Volkswagen Group brands and the entire production system.

NavVis and the Volkswagen Group share a common goal: to connect scattered production sites around the world and manage them through a centralized platform.
At NavVis, we have accumulated deep expertise in digitization of the built environment and are willing to support enterprise customers to take the next step in the direction of digitization of the built environment.

We believe that the industrial-scale cloud technologies from Volkswagen and AWS, like the NavVis digital twin solution, represent a paradigm shift toward efficient delivery of global-scale services by closely connecting more than 120 manufacturing facilities and 1,500 suppliers and partners.

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